Pastoral Care
The task of pastoral ministry, above all else, is to arrange contingencies for an encounter with the divine.
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, lutheran pastor & martyr for opposing nazism
I have a sign on my bookcase everyone sees when they walk into my study, simply known as "the pastor's office."
The sign says:
A message from Pastor Emily
and what does a pastor do
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faith formation
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Pastoral emergency, resources
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life passages
cradle to grave
Being part of the One Body of Christ means we journey together and are there for each other in our highs and lows.
dying & death
Secondary Title
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grief and seperation
Secondary Title
As a congregation, we grieve...
Let the church come to you
We are in the process of forming a lay visitation ministry. If you would like a visit or you would like to be part of this ministry, please connect with Pastor Emily.
Pastor Emily is happy to visit you in your home, have dinner or coffee, or simply talk in the church. Her Office Hours at Pilgrim are Thursdays 3-6pm. She mainly offices at Bethany.
Pastoral Emergencies: please call Pr. Emily if you would like spiritual guidance for tough or tragic things. The best way to schedule a time would be to reach out to her directly either by phone or email: Or call Jane, Bethany's full-time secretary, 715-349-5280.