Pray Requests

"Lord, hear my voice when I cry to You."

The list of prayers is below the request form.

Prayer Request

Whatever chapter of your life... whether struggling in school, starting a new family, or dealing with addiction, illness, or death... you're never alone in God's Church. Let us know what your challenges are and we will pray for you. Please indicate your desire to include your prayer in our weekly printed prayer list. There is an option to post the prayer to the prayer list below OR you may send directly to the pastor in confidence. 

We pray for all who are in need

Clicking the "prayer hands" shows you are praying for that petition.


Pray for Jan Ramsey who is having a procedure today. (Carol Thompson's sister)


Pray for Marty Davis and his medical team as he is having a minimally invasive procedure today.


Prayers for Lisa Thompson, her doctors and medical team as she is having breast cancer surgery on 10-10. (Lisa is married to David Thompson, Ray's son)


Sharon Kyron Garcia-recently diagnosed with stage 4 small cell carcinoma, she has started aggressive chemotherapy & immunotherapy. Shes asking for prayers, healthy vibes and positive health thoughts (friend to Secretary Faith from Pilgrim) Sharon is currently living in Florida, she has loving children & beautiful grandchildren & so much more to live for, please start the prayers NOW!!


Aiden, Bonnie & Chris Foehser